Map of Content

This file contains either a direct or (most probably) an indirect link to almost all the (structured)files in the obsidian vault.

The Folder Structure

  • Welcome πŸ™πŸΌ is the landing note for the vault.
  • UNI
    • encapsulates notes and writings related to modules I am attending at my university.
  • Blogs
    • contains my very occasionally written conventional blogposts.
    • Topics varies depending on the sub-structure of the folder.
  • Notes
    • These are the notes cultivated from various sources.
    • Unstructured in general.
    • Specific sub-folders contains their own notes, satisfying their specific scopes.
    • General folder contains notes that aren’t specific to any particular sub-folder, however, they can most certainly be linked to notes in those sub-folders.